Friday, April 2, 2010

119/13/2009-ST, Dated: 21/12/2009

Subject : Service tax valuation issues pertaining to Customs House Agents Service-reg.
Customs House Agent's (CHA) Services are taxable since 15th June 1997. As per the definition (section 65 (105) (h) of the Finance Act, 1994) the 'taxable service' means any service provided or to be provided to any person, by a custom house agent in relation to the entry or departure of conveyance or the import or the export of goods and the term 'service provider' shall be construed accordingly. Further, as per definition appearing under section 65(35) of the aforesaid Act, a 'custom house agent' means a person licensed, temporarily or otherwise, under the regulations made under sub-section (2) of section 146 of the Customs Act, 1962. The Custom House Agents Licensing Regulations, 2004, made under the said section, prescribe the procedure for grant of license by the customs department. They (regulation no. 13) also place obligations on such license holders during their interface with customs department pertaining to customs formalities for conveyance or imported or export goods. In sum, the above provisions read in harmony, show that the activities of a CHA i.e. pertaining to customs formalities in relation to the entry or departure of conveyance or the import or the export of goods, is subjected to service tax under CHA services.readmore

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